The Great Mill caught my eye from the truck and a lay-by on the opposite side of the road seemed like adequate reason to spend what little time I did have sketching the mill. I stayed in the comfort of the truck today, the wind is having a party here in the Fens, so my steering wheel acted as my easel!
On returning home and looking Haddenham up on the internet, I found I'd been sketching the mill with the largest dome in Cambridgeshire.
No time for colour this morning so this sketch is created in Sepia Pitt superfine pen in my large moleskin sketchbook.
All those sketches at the weekend, and you're at it again on Monday morning! Don't think I could manage those straight lines!
Oops, forgot to say that I really like the sketch. Obviously no shortage of picturesque spots round your way!
I think I may be addicted Dave!
The steering wheel helped with the straight lines a bit I think, that and turning my book around...and around...and around. LOL!
Thankyou for your feedback.
I am learning that there are all sorts of hidden treasures around my area that I usually 'drive' past during my day.
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