Tesco Cafe, March, Cambridgeshire.
I seem to be spending so much time with my sketchbooks and journals these days and with my new job as an illustrated columnist, sharing my journal pages with the local community, I'm sure I'll be spending more time with them this year as well.
So, after much thought, I have decided to put all of my location sketches in my original blog this year, along with my daily journal pages and finished artworks.
Hopefully this will make my daily updates easier to navigate and follow for those of you who kindly take your time skipping from one blog to another and also for any new comers.
Click here to view just the 2008 Location Sketches.
Click here to view all of the blog entries.
Thank you all so much for hitching along with me on my travels through this blog during 2007, I hope you will come along for the ride this year too!