A visit to Doddington hospital took up the best part of my day today so I made good use of the waiting time using my small moleskin sketchbook and Edding 1800 profipen.
I tried out a new handbag travel kit I've been considering consisting of two brush pens filled with diluted ink; one brown and one black and a pigment liner. Notice: no pencil or rubber, this is my new personal challenge 'Lead-free Figures'.
The diluted ink seems to absorb into the moleskin paper much easier than watercolour and will save me having to cart my watercolour pencils around for a hint of tone/colour required on location.

I enjoy a neutral or monochrome palette in art so I felt this new kit was worth a few test sketches. I am pleased with the results and the limited kit fits neatly into my slim Caran D'Ache pencil tin which, in turn, fits neatly into my tiny handbag...Perfect!
Hi Anita;
I hope your visit to the hospital wasn't for anything terribly serious, and that things will soon be okay.
Great idea about your new travel kit. And the drawings turned out super, too.
Thank you visiting my Blog and leavingsuch a nice comment. As far as the monkey is concerned, I used to have a stuffed Monkey from Steiff when I was a lot younger. Hmm.. wonder wherehe is now?
I love these new pieces. Very nicely done. I hope you are ok and not sick! Take care of yourself. :)
I also hope the hospital visit wasn't for anything bad. Nice work on the sketches...that black ink purchase is really paying off!
Hi Nitsa
By heaven you even sketched whilst at the hospital the other day - but it probably kept you sane during all the waiting. Love your plan for not using graphite and going straight in with two tone inks. You put me to shame as I only did three sketches in a whole week in Ireland and a pastel cockerel for my host's neighbours and got a comission for a thatch cottage. ... which I must get down to planning. See you soon.
These came out well with the new items in your travel kit. Hope all is well.
Bonny, thankyou!
So sorry, I should have explained that my visit was not anything to worry about, thankyou for your concern and lovely comments.
Thanx Laser...I'm fine thankyou! :)
Thanx Dave...The ink WAS a good buy wasn't it!
Joannie the sketchbook did make the waiting time alot easier!
Thankyou Joan...all is good! :)
Wonderful sketches. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow and I am taking my sketchbook with me this time. Last time the doc was running behind and I sat in the exam room for half an hour with nothing to do. Not this time!
Oooh, good luck with your sketches Phthaloblu, I usually hate waiting around but admit I was a little gutted when I was called in this time, such an abundance of character sitting around the hospital just aching to be sketched!
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